Your Trusted New Orleans Coin Dealer
The value of a rare coin, not unlike other collectibles or investments, is determined in the marketplace by the fundamental factors of supply and demand. Additionally, value is determined by the condition or quality of the coin and its rarity. If you need a professional numismatist, you can trust Southern Coins & Precious Metals. We are the only rare coin company in the state of Louisiana that has four staff members who belong to the prestigious Professional Numismatists Guild. We invite you to visit the PNG website to learn why we are proud to be among its members. Because of our knowledge and experience clients depend on us when they need to buy, sell, or appraise numismatic material.
On the supply side of the economic equation, the number of investment-quality rare coins available in the market is ever decreasing. Some numismatic treasures are simply lost over time and others suffer damage or destruction. Others go into the collections of museums, never again to be offered for sale to the public. Many more find homes in privately held collections and are removed from the market for decades.
The demand pressure for rare coins comes from both collectors and investors. Collectors are attracted to the unique stories coins can tell about the history of our nation and those who made that history. Our past is writ large on coins and is told through the designs displayed on each coin, the location of their mintage, and the metallic content within them. Investors generally acquire coins to properly diversify their investment portfolios and for the security and profit potential rare coins can provide. Due to the ease of liquidity and increased consumer protection through independent third party grading, the demand for rare coins has been rising steadily for the past several years. Not only has this demand come from individuals but also major investment firms.
If you have an item you believe to be valuable and would like appraised, would like to add to your collection, have numismatic items you are considering selling, or just have questions, the professionals at SCPM can assist.